The Erotic Tales of Bucephalus (Novel)
Immerse yourself into a dream odyssey of erotica tales and taboo.
Following a gruesome battle, Alexander the Great’s mighty steed, Bucephalus, is reborn as a human being inside the spectral Leland Hotel. From the shadows, a shimmering phantasm appears: Morpheus, the deliverer of dreams. The mysterious god orders Bucephalus to explore humanity’s desires by room-hopping into different erotic kinks. Haunted by an elusive nymph, Bucephalus struggles with his beastly nature by indulging in licentious encounters with the hotel’s occupants. From an unnamed pythoness who adores oral copulation to three masked lesbians in a voyeuristic sex party. From a sixteenth-century Italian orgy to an evocative sex-magic ritual in the jungles of Siam. Which desire would you choose on your journey?
If you enjoyed Anais Nin’s Delta of Venus or Georges Bataille’s Story of the Eye, you’ll love The Erotic Tales of Bucephalus. A sensual, lyrical journey through the landscapes of the mind where the boundaries of reality and passion blur.
*Author note: These are story-driven erotic tales with a variety of sexual scenarios. The novel does not focus on a single kink.
Print Length: 234 pages
Type: Standalone Novel (For Men & Women)
Price: $5.99 ebook / $14.95 print
Table of Contents
The Erotic Tales of Bucephalus (Novel) (Excerpt)
Chapter 1: The Mirror Eternal
Dreams come. Dreams go.
As always, our lovemaking begins in a dark place lost in time eternal.
We’ve done this before. Where? When? I’m not sure, but like the other times, I watch her as she preens. She loves the tension … the delay … the anticipation … the sensuousness unfolding. Her eyes hold a Cimmerian darkness, a barbarity of delights. Her tummy bulges over her black patch. A depression in the geography, the belly button acts as a beguiling sinkhole waiting to engulf the universe, and me with it. The muted blue light creates a purplish cast to her iron skin. Her nature evokes obscene enchantments like a she-witch in heat. Her aura tears me to shreds and she knows it.
Like all things erotic and terrible, her gestures are sacrifices. She guards herself, and even with surrender she keeps watch. Thin arms conceal breasts creating a barrier of self-imposed chastity. She doesn’t give up her charms easily. She never does, but her eyes speak otherwise. Her abstinence is short-lived because I know her game. The rules are easy. I must play and wait, but I always do.
She faces the only furnishing within the room—an old mirror. She presents her body to the looking glass like she’s doing it a favor, as if the mirror represents some leering suitor. In the surface, standing behind her, my reflection carries innocence. At this moment, I have no way of knowing if this is my true likeness, but I suspect I’ll don many faces throughout the dream.
Dramatically, she turns with a flourish and studies me like a familiar meal.
A long moment passes.
Her eyes say, “Molest me.”
She waits a while longer.
Her body says, “Take me.”
I sigh like an unbeliever.
Her sex says, “Fuck me.”
Still longer, she waits.
Finally, she makes her move and I believe.
With confidence she lowers her arms, as if surrendering this battle. However, I know better—she always wins the war. Her heart is a force of nature, complex, but awe-inspiring. This is no mere woman. This is the mystery—the eternal feminine—and she’s dangerous.
Her hands meet. Fingers entwine like fangs. A perfect fit. Head tilts. Eyes captivate. Shoulders pause. A moment of weakness appears, a moment of love for me. Her gaze returns to the mirror regaining control. Cautious, but with purpose, she edges closer to the looking glass. Her reflection moves like a wild animal she’s trying to tame. Shadows obscure the monument of her back and the inset of her eyes. Her bottom tempts me, tumultuous and full, attractive yet dangerous. Her flesh can wound me—an enemy everlasting.

Reading my intentions, she rises from her chair causing me to falter. Like a pornographic cobra, she sways, back and forth. Her body makes hypnotic s-patterns. Her hair moves like smoke filmed and played backwards. She leans forward with come-hither attitude. Her hot exhalations fog the reflective surface. She touches her lips to the glass and pulls away, leaving lip prints like lesions. A lifeline of spittle connects the steel doppelgänger with the flesh counterpart. Which image of her is colder? Which image is more real? As if sensing my questions, she smiles with certainty, eternally fuckable, a daimones of my dreams, my lover.
Finally, it begins.
Her hand slides steady toward her sex, creeping slowly, inching forward, like a tarantula stalking prey. Her bony fingers proceed taut but animated. Her hand moves and then stops, lingering at the edge of uncertainty, at the edge of our separateness, a pause that becomes the perimeter between movement in the cosmos, the space between action and inaction.
After a long time, her index finger reaches her pubes … hesitates … a quick look in my direction … a smile … another hesitation. It inches past … parts the rouged lips once concealed … another look … another smile … another hesitation.
A shudder runs through me.
Finally, a pent-up sigh releases from her contracted frame. I stare at the penile digit rotating round and round, frigging her pussy. She works her finger around until it glistens with wetness.
After a long time of playing, she digs in with more force … hesitates … another quick look in my direction … and again that smile … another hesitation. She plunges deeper … brings herself closer … another look … another smile … another hesitation … pressure builds. She moans harder … pulls back … not yet.
We both suffer. She resumes … moans like a man. Fingers grind pink flesh like pestle to mortar. Her eyes roll back like an evangelist … almost there … not yet. A silent gasp escapes her. She pulls back and diddles harder.
To Be Continued…
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If you’re interested in a cuckold bundle instead of erotic tales, please head over to our Longreads page and check out My Cuckold Wife: The Collection (Volumes 1 -5) or if you like erotic pulp serials see Vicky Valentine’s Erotic Adventures: Volume 1.